2 Ingredient Fudgesicles

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Nothing hits the spot on a hot summer day like delicious cold fudgesicles, making 2 Ingredient Fudgesicles at home just sounds right.

2 ingredient fudgesicles

having something cold on a summer night just feels right, doesn’t it? for me fudgesicles are the pinnacle of summer time treats. i love how they are the perfect combination of ice-cream and popsicles.

making them homemade never seemed like something I ever thought of trying until now.

the best part about this recipe is that it is so easy to do and only takes 2 ingredients! what more can you ask for.

easy summer treat

so make this tonight and have them ready for tomorrow’s heatwave. your future self will thank you.

freezers will vary and will determine how long this recipe will take. our freezer has a freeze fast option which flash freezes ice cube trays so I was able to enjoy mine pretty fast. so keep an eye on them or just make them the day ahead and leave them overnight.

these are so easy to make that you could finish off a tray and refill the tray as soon as it’s washed and have your freezer stocked and ready to go with delicious summertime treats all summer long.

dairy free and sugar-free options can also be used to make sure you are sticking to your specific dietary needs and preferences. I haven’t tested any yet but plan to go through all the combinations available. if you try specific dairy-free milk or sugar-free pudding please let me know in the comments.

be sure to come back and see which ones I try this week.

Ingredients you will need

  • 1 pkg instant chocolate pudding
  • 2 cup milk

How to make 2 Ingredient Fudgesicles

  1. combine both ingredients together mixing until there are no more lumps.
  2. pour into popsicle molds until full, add top or stick depending on what design mold u have.
  3. place in freezer for min 1 hour or overnight. until fully frozen
  4. remove from the freezer and pull the popsicle out. you may need to run it under a bit of hot tap water until the fudgesicle has released from the mold.

Easy 2 ingredient fudgesicles

the perfect summer treat for your sweet tooth
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack


  • 1 popsicle mold


  • 1 pkg instant chocolate pudding
  • 2 cup milk


  • combine both ingredients together mixing until there are no more lumps.
  • pour into popsicle molds until full, add top or stick depending on what design mold u have.
  • place in freezer for min 1 hour or overnight. until fully frozen
  • remove from the freezer and pull the popsicle out. you may need to run it under a bit of hot tap water until the fudgesicle has released from the mold.


freezing times differ from freezer to freezerĀ 

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