How to Boil an Artichoke

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This time of year artichokes are popping up everywhere. Which explains why “how to boil an artichoke” is a very popular search these days.

An artichoke is a great snack perfect for when you aren’t really all that hungry and are looking for something to carry your garlic and herb butter right to your mouth.

I kid of course, but in all honesty there isn’t all that much meat when your eating an artichoke until you get to the heart. but it does come with a unique flavor of its own that can be prepared many different ways.

this is…

How to boil and artichoke

1. Prep work

Prepare the Artichoke

Start by cutting off the top of the artichoke with a sharp knife. Then using a sharp pair pf scissors you can cut the tip off of each leaf that wasn’t reached by the first cut. be very careful as the tips of each leaf have a thorn that can be very sharp.

2. Clean

you can clean the artichokes by pulling the leaves apart sightly and rinsing them under cold water.

3. Boil the artichokes

Add the artichokes to a pot and fill with water just enough so that they start to float.

boil for 10 – 15 minutes until they are slightly tender when squeezed with tongs and the leaves begin to part.

4. Prepare a dip

this part is optional but highly encouraged. You can dip your artichokes unto whatever your heart desires but personally i enjoy a simple garlic and herb butter sauce.

all you have to do in mince some garlic, add it to some butter and ad the herbs of your choice. I added some chives oregano and thyme.

bring the mixture to a simmer in a pan over medium heat until the garlic begins to brown. you don’t want to over simmer the garlic or burn it. The more you cook garlic the less flavor you are left with.

4. eat and enjoy

allow your artichoke to cool slightly then slowly peel off one leaf at a time. the meat (the part you eat) is the part of the leaf that is white. on your first couple of leaves you wont have much meat on it. You will see more as you get closer to the center.

as you get to the middle you will see some hairs. This is the “choke” of the artichoke DO NOT EAT THIS PART

I don’t have a picture of the choke I apologize for this but you can find one on google here.

cut the hairs off and enjoy the heart of the artichoke underneath. this part is said to be the best part of the artichoke.

enjoy and make sure to check back to see other ways to prepare an artichoke.

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