Summer Simmer Pot

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This summer simmer pot is a great way to start off the season with some fresh ingredients and wonderful smells.

simmer pots can also be used as a tool for manifestation, some believe that the ingredients used can create feelings and desires in your home. Of course, some simply use them as a way to add a warm and welcoming scent to your home that isn’t filled with any harsh chemicals or as dangerous as an open flame.

whatever it is that you believe I hope you try a simmer pot out some time soon.

Ingredients use in this summer simmer pot are

… and what properties these ingredients might have.

  • Lemon – purification and cleansing
  • Mint- Wealth, energy and communication
  • Cinnamon stick – boosting energy, luck and success
  • Dried lavender – love, protection and peace
  • Dried rosemary – protection, purification and healing

Weather on not you believe in these rituals you can always agree that they smell great and a good smelling home always makes you feel better inside and out.

How to put together a summer simmer pot

1. Prepare all your ingredients

slice lemons into ½ inch slices

break cinnamon stick in half (if it wont fit in your pot)

pick your mint or chocolate mint

if you are using fresh lavender or rosemary pick that also.

2. Add Water

add all ingredients to your pot and fill with water

summer simmer pot

3. Simmer

plug in your crock pot stir and let simmer. I like using this small slow cooker that I found thrift shopping one day. you can also use candle powered votives (usually used for keeping butter melted)

or you can do it the more traditional way in an actual pot on the stove. I tend to stay away from that as a practice since I have a very forgetful mind and would forget that I have something on the stove simmering for hours. The small pot I use i can leave for most of the day with the lid on at an angle to allow some steam to escape and have no problems or concerns about burning.

Summer Simmer Pot

fill your home with summer scents and no harsh chemicals
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  • 1 small slow cooker or pot


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 mint or chocolate milk
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp dried lavender
  • 1 tbsp dried rosemary


  • slice lemons into ½ inch slices
  • break cinnamon stick in half (if it wont fit in your pot)
  • pick your mint or chocolate mint
  • if you are using fresh lavender or rosemary pick that also.
  • add all ingredients to your pot and fill with water
  • plug in your crock pot stir and let simmer.
Keyword simmer

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